Founder 'of Amazon , Jeff Bezos , announced Sunday night that his company planned to use in a few years of mini-drones octocoptères to deliver small packages for its clients in a half hour. The ambitious project requires additional safety tests and approval from the U.S. aviation authorities but, according to Mr. Bezos' Amazon Prime Air "could be operational in four to five years.
A demonstration video posted on the website of the company shows tiny robotic craft carrying in the air parcels stored in small yellow boxes, from warehouses to customers who ordered 30 minutes earlier on
"I know it sounds like science fiction. But it is not," said Jeff Bezos in the program "60 Minutes" of CBS television. "We can deliver in half an hour ... and we can carry objects weighing up to 2.3 pounds, which is 86% of what we deliver," said he said.
The mini-UAVs are powered by electric motors and can operate in a radius of 16 km around the warehouse, having access to a large part of the population in urban areas. "It is very green, it is better than the trucks", stressed the head of giant online sales.
Questions and skepticism
The announcement some skeptical observers who see an operation com 'cheap before Christmas, "a good time to talk about yourself," recalls the RTBF . "Civilian drones are not yet at the level of reliability required for civil applications", as pointed out in Challenges Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency, Patrick Ky.
Others questioned the safety and feasibility of such an undertaking? What to do in case of collision against a building? And if the device is hacker? asks the U.S. website Politico . What helped and what training it will he need?
Be delivered by a drone in any case given many ideas to users who have hijacked photos and videos .