Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Disney makes electricity with paper

Disney Research revisits the use of a single sheet of paper by giving a nice feature. Transforming it into electricity generator, it creates enough energy to power a LED light or an e-ink screen and it just friction.

The method does not require batteries or batteries to operate. Indeed, the generator itself is actually a thin Teflon sheet sandwiched between two conductive adhesives as an electrode. All, cleverly integrated into the paper. But the system also works on printed with conductive ink paper.When the user rubs on this specific part of the sheet, it creates electrical charges which will then produce an alternating current. Result: you can turn one or more LEDs, create animations on a screen e-ink or activate a built-in buzzer.
In its application, this paper generator could equip children's books or interactive posters in the future. Disney has collaborated with scientists from the Carnegie-Melon University to develop prototypes.