Already in "Battlefield 4" it crashes properly. Nevertheless wants developers Dice in "Battlefield 5" go one better
like the " Call of Duty "series" Battlefield "does not appear in an annual cycle. Nevertheless developer Dice has been a week before the release of " Battlefield 4 "ideas about what the sequel could do better than the current title. On the question of what can players of "Battlefield 5" expect, answered Dice boss Patrick Bach a U.S. newspaper succinctly: "More functions, more extras and more destruction." Each new part had to be the next big thing. On a possible story Bach did not comment. The play second fiddle anyway. During the meeting, Bach pointed out that the "Battlefield" series mainly live from their game mechanics. EA vice president Patrick Söderlund confirmed this view and acknowledges that the series was designed to playfully entertain and not to tell stories.
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