Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sex and porn on the internet seduce 15-24

Sex and porn on the internet seduce 15-24

Two-thirds of French people aged 15-24 have surfed on a porn site, and 17% of young men and women reported having had sexual intercourse through a dating site, according to a poll Ifop.

Thanks to the mobile internet and social networks, young French consume more and more porn and make greater sexual use of the web indicates Ifop poll commissioned by the site Cam4 webcam.
69% of boys and 35% of girls aged 15 to 24 have already surfed on a porn site , according to the survey. Boys over 18 years, the proportion has taken 30 points in seven years.
In addition, 15-24 incorporate more new modes of communication in their sexual practices. Thus, 38% of under-25s have surfed on a dating site , 24% are already out with people met through the Internet, and 17% reported having had sexual intercourse in this way.
In addition, 24% of young people have had phone sex with someone they had never seen in real life, 28% say they could make love virtually via webcam with their partner, and 8% 15-24 have sexual content viewed by webcam .